Thoughts on the Handling of Non-Payment of Rent Applications at the Landlord Tenant Board

It’s time to address a critical issue — the handling of NON-PAYMENT OF RENT applications at the LANDLORD AND TENANT BOARD LTB).

Currently, the board is backlogged with 53,000 cases, and the majority of these are non-payment of rent applications (N4). According to the Landlord and Tenant Board’s 2022-2023 annual report, there were a total of 64,450 landlord applications, with 37,690 being N4 non-payment of rent applications. This is completely unacceptable! The sheer volume of these cases demonstrates a broken system that is not serving the needs of landlords or tenants, further contributing to the housing crisis in Ontario.

How to Turn $150K Into a $200K Down Payment: A Playbook for First-Time Buyers

Buying a first home is a huge milestone,​ but for many Canadians, saving for the down payment can feel like an uphill battle. Rising home prices and borrowing costs have made this a significant challenge—but with the right strategy, there’s a way to help your clients stretch their savings further.

The Secret Weapons: RRSP and FHSA

These government programs are tailor-made for first-time buyers.

House Prices Are Low, Now Is The Right Time To Invest In Real Estate

“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful’ 

 ~ Warren Buffet

This quote fits in with how the state of the real estate market is going. Right now, home prices are lower and the interest rates are higher. This is causing uncertainty and some people will not buy. You can be certain in this, prices and interest rates will continue to go up and down. No market situation is forever. People will always need a roof over their heads, that is FOREVER!  

Start Small, Build For Tomorrow!

Here we are just beginning Q2 and at this current moment in time, we’re fighting against the third wave of this pandemic. The real estate market continues to reach new heights as eager buyers and sellers are taking advantage of this beautiful springtime to find their next chapter to enjoy for the summertime. A new […]

Why Invest In Residential Real Estate?

Why Invest In Residential Real Estate?  Residential real estate investing is accessible to most and easy to understand. It’s a great way to start investing and begin earning money through equity appreciation, and monthly cash flow. The best part is that the mortgage is paid off by someone else. Everybody needs a roof over their […]

Understanding Closing Costs Before You Buy That Property

Closing costs are an important aspect to consider when purchasing a property, as they can significantly impact the total cost of buying a home. Closing costs are the fees and expenses associated with finalizing a real estate transaction, and they are paid by both the buyer and the seller. These costs cover various services and […]

Your First Home, A Milestone In A Relationship

Whether you’re dating, married or in a long-term relationship, buying a home together is an important milestone. It represents the beginning of a new stage in your life. As a couple, it can help solidify your bond and creates an opportunity to build equity together. Buying a home requires some significant financial commitment upfront. Then […]

How to Use Your Equity to Build a Comfy Retirement

Using the equity of your primary residence to invest, can be the vehicle you need to build a comfortable retirement. It can be a very strategic financial move, but it’s essential to approach it thoughtfully and consider the potential risks. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use your equity to build a comfy retirement: […]

Home Inspections Are In The Buyers Best Interest

It’s always in a buyer’s best interest to do an inspection at some point in the offer process. In a market like this, a showing may only be 15 or 30 minutes tops to look at the house. During this showing, buyers are encouraged to make a shortlist. This list will have the most significant […]